One of the most common questions I’m asked is how do you stick to your diet when people around you are eating all sorts of stuff, and sometimes you even have to cook for them. I found an interesting way to think about this.
My mindset is that Steve’s food is like cat food to me. This is my answer to living with someone who eats copious amount of junk food and even when it’s not outright crap, it’s still too carby for me.
I shop for him, I cook for him, I see him eat.
And I think of it the same as the cat food; it’s just not Jackie food.

If that doesn’t kill my desire for Steve’s food, I don’t know what would.
Just imagine picking up a can of cat food and feeling the weight in your hand, hearing the sound as you pop the top, the smell wafting up to your nostrils making you wrinkle your nose, inhaling and feeling a bit of the nasty taste in the back of your throat, and then seeing it plop down onto the bowl.